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How do I unlock my Yahoo email account?

Yahoo email service gives the user the option to manage their mails & also the potential to send & receive emails. While you use Yahoo services, their policies are so up to date that they can block your account if they see the guidelines are getting rotten.

So, in case you face the issue with the unlock my Yahoo account, then first you should know about the reasons that create malfunction on your Yahoo account that may lead to a direct strike on your service usage.

Know how can I unlock my Yahoo mail account

Following are the reasons that cause Yahoo account blocking:

  1. It might be the user is attempting wrong credentials multiple times for login
  2. Or the user might be sending multiple emails in large numbers & more than in specified limit
  3. It can be like hacking attempts on your Email ID
  4. Or it could be like into your account there can be suspicious activity
  5. After that, it can be spam mark by recipients on receiving the invaluable message on your Yahoo email
  6. POP & IMAP settings might be wrong while inputting
  7. Lastly, it can be user is operating their account at a different location at times.

The best method to unlock a temporarily locked Yahoo e-mail account:

If you need to know the procedures through which you will unlock a temporarily locked Yahoo account, then there is recovery email, phone number, or security questions for unlocking the Yahoo e-mail account.

How do I unlock my Yahoo email account with an Alternate Email Address

The recovery email address can be beneficial in some cases. Through this process, you will learn how to unlock your Yahoo account for password recovery & you will get access back to your account with ease. All you require to do is follow the given steps.

How do I unlock my Yahoo email account with phone number

If you need to learn about the points by which you will quickly unlock your Yahoo account, with the help of a recovery mobile phone number. Then you will have to follow some steps that are mentioned below for your reference.

However, with the above-given methods unlocking or unblocking your locked Yahoo mail account gets easy & convenient. Suppose your account is not unlocked & now also you are facing the same issue. In that case, you will have to comment for How do I unlock my Yahoo email account in the help section comment box that is available within the official login page of Yahoo.

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