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Bitdefender Antivirus Customer Service

Excellent Bitdefender Antivirus Support Just One Phone Call Away

Bitdefender is one of the most finest antivirus software avail by most of the users. It provides the real time security to your PC and mobile devices.

Issues that generally arises during the use of Bitdefender antivirus-

  • Bitdefender modules are not working

In order to solve this issue you need to go through these steps-

  1. From your keyboard press Windows key with R
  2. Enter “appwiz.cpl” in the command box
  3. Press enter button
  4. Program and Features will be shown in your control panel
  5. Locate the Bitfinder product and right click on it
  6. Choose the Uninstall option
  7. Choice would be given to you whether you want to uninstall or repair
  8. Choose “Repair” option because it would be preferable
  9. After the process would complete, restart your computer
  • Cannot access secure website since installed Bitdefender
  1. To solve this problem you should for the time being turn off your “Scan SSL” feature of Bitdefender by following criteria
  2. Take up the main interface of Bitdefender
  3. Select the modules in the left corner in the bottom
  4. From the protection tab choose the Web protection
  5. Turn off the Scan SSL feature

Bitdefender Antivirus Customer Service

If you have any issues regarding Bitdefender antivirus then kindly contact with technician through bitdefender antivirus customer service phone number that would be available 24/7*365 days at your service based on your convenience.

  • Bitdefender antivirus technical support provides best  technical assistance through different means of communication.
  • On Call Support-Technician will give you support on call and try to solve your queries. You can ask anything related to Bitdefender antivirus customer support.
  • Remote Desktop Service-Technician will avail you support by taking the control of your desktop screen.
  • Live Chat-Technician would give you support through chat process and if you want to share any feedback then visit website and share your useful comments there.

Call Us Any Time
