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Can I cancel my trip on Expedia and get a refund?

If you made your travel arrangements via Expedia to travel to your destination and at the last moment you come across a medical emergency that requires you to terminate your traveling plans, then you can cancel your booking. If you are wondering whether Expedia refunds your money post-flight cancellation, then the answer is yes; you can claim a refund. To cancel your trip on Expedia and get a refund, you must follow the procedure given below carefully. 

Online Procedure of flight cancellation on Expedia:

Customers are required to follow the below-mentioned straightforward steps for flight cancellation:

Offline Procedure of flight cancellation on Expedia:

If you are unable to utilize the online approach to cancel your flight booking and get a refund after you cancel a trip on Expedia, then you can call customer care services to resolve your issues. To use this alternative, you must dial the official calling number: +91 (0)124-487-3888. You can reach them from 9 am to 7 pm. The call will be attended by an automated voice that will instruct you to follow certain instructions to get in touch with a live Expedia representative. 

What is the Procedure to claim a refund from Expedia?

Customers must follow the set of instructions provided below to request a refund from Expedia:

Expedia refund policy

Though this platform provides reservations for various airlines that have different flight cancellation and refund policies but some of the commonest policies that are followed by almost every airline are applicable on Expedia. Methods of the same are described below:

How long does it take to get a refund back from Expedia?

If your reason for flight cancellations and refund request is found valid, then it will take approximately 12 weeks to get your money back. The time might exceed in some cases due to ongoing COVID-19 situations. A refund receipt will be issued to the customers within 24 hours of processing the refund. Also, your money will be refunded in the original mode of payment, so you must check with your bank to obtain the refund statement.

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