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How to Set Up Two Step Verification in Gmail Account

Do you use Gmail to send and receive your important emails? Then something very confidential will be kept inside your Gmail account. So it’s very important to save your Gmail account from any hacking activity. And the only password is not enough to get a proper protection. You need to set up 2-step verification in your Gmail account that will provide an extra layer of security to your Gmail account. Every time when you enter your password to login to Gmail; it also sends a verification code to your phone number that will be mandatory to enter along with the password.

How do I turn on 2-step verification in Gmail?

First of all, open your browser and go to https://myaccount.google.com/. Now login to your Gmail account and then click on Sign-in & Security tab. After that, tap on 2-Step Verification from the scroll down menu. Now click on Get Started tab and then enter your Gmail account password. Enter your phone number and then verify it by receiving a verification code. Enter the code that you have received on your phone number and then click on Next. After that, click on Turn On icon to enable the two-step verification.

Resolve Issues via Gmail Customer Service

If the above-given steps do not help to turn on 2-step verification in your Gmail account, then you should have a need to contact Gmail customer service number to avail the reliable assistance from the certified experts. They will provide all the required solutions to turn on the 2- step verification on a Gmail account. You can avail this support by making a phone call and they are 24/7 present to assist the users.

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