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How do I ask TurboTax a question?

TurboTax is a software that allows its users to file tax returns for a discrete or a business company. It is very user-friendly and convenient to use. A user sometimes faces an error while filing tax returns or has any payment issue or a question related to TurboTax. The first question that strikes the mind of users is, “how do I ask TurboTax a question.” TurboTax has excellent customer care service for its users, available twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week. The company has serval ways through which you can contact.

Different ways to contact a representative to ask TurboTax a question

Live chatbox: Facing any difficulty while making a payment? Then, contact the customer care executive and ask TurboTax a question. To get in touch with the TurboTax customer care staff through live chat. Follow the steps mentioned below:

Phone Call: To ask any TurboTax question or problem by a phone call at 1-800-4-INTUIT (1-800-446-8848) is the best means of communication, and a user can call them from any corner of the world at any time according to the convenience. It is very simple to contact the company through a phone call. All you have to do is:

Email: To ask a question from the TurboTax company, a user can send the Email. It might take some time because the customer care representative will not revert to the mail instantly. They will try to answer within twenty-four hours. The email address of the TurboTax company is mentioned on the official website in the help and support section only and mail them mentioning all the questions you are having.

Can I ask TurboTax a question for free?

The ways to contact TurboTax company are mentioned above. The customer care executive will give answers to all your questions. But are you wondering, “Can I ask TurboTax a question for free?”. Yes, of course, you can contact the TurboTax representative and ask questions for free because the contact number 1-800-4-INTUIT (1-800-446-8848) is Toll-free, and the live chat option is not paid.

Can I call TurboTax with a question?

By reading the article mentioned above, a user has got to know how to get in touch with a TurboTax representative at 1-800-4-INTUIT (1-800-446-8848) and discuss their questions with its customer service representative. So after knowing that the answer to “can I call TurboTax with a question” is yes. Get connected with them and get the answers to all your questions.

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