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How do I fix Google Assistant not working?

Are you facing problems with Google Assistant? This issue is why there can be issues with your device, which hampers it from working. There are various reasons which we get to consider in the below-mentioned instructions. The situation is fully frustrating, and users go to customer support in haste. In the below-mentioned informative guidelines, we see the solution of “Google Assistant not working”. See the instructions carefully.

Reasons for not working of Google Assistant:

As we have said earlier that there can be many reasons behind the not working of Google assistant, but it is necessary to point out some of the main reasons which we get to consider in the below-mentioned portion:

See the procedure to fix the problem of Google Assistant not working:

If you are facing the question of “How do I fix Google assistant not working?” you should look out for the detailed instructions provided below. Go through them properly:

The device should be compatible with Google Assistant:

It is important to be concerned that there are some specific requirements for the Google assistant. Android users should look out for the issues of “Google Assistant not working” further.

There should be a proper WiFi-internet connection:

As we know that Google Assistant uses the internet to retrieve out information. So, you should have a proper WiFi-internet connection as if your Wifi-internet connection is improper; then the results did not come. Fluctuating the internet also does not solve the issue.

By enabling the Hey Google option:

Many people use the “Hey Google” option as the command. If the Google assistant is not working, then the users can accidentally switch off the option. Go through the points carefully to enable it:

Retraining the Google Assistant Voice model:

Sometimes Google Assistant becomes unable in recognizing the voice, and in this situation, users are unable to use the lock screen. To solve this, user should look out the points below:

Microphone device should be working:

If you cannot use the Google assistant after following the points mentioned above, you should also check out your microphone to be working correctly. If the sound recorder cannot recognize your voice, then you should go for the settings.

Granting the required permissions to the Google Assistant:

Yes, it is essential to be concerned that Google Assistant requires certain licenses, which must be provided. We are proving the steps to make the permission:

After reading out the detailed guide regarding the “Google assistant not working “fix, but in case your doubts remain. You can go to Google customer care, where you have various other options for specialized guidance.


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